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Natural masala incense by Green Tree

The Natural Masala Incense by Green Tree line of incense is created with care using only the finest natural ingredients to provide everyone with the positive energy needed for healing, or for meditation, as purification or morning ritual. Masala Incense sticks are more than just a fragrance, they are the gateway to calm, helping you relax, destress and find peace in your busy life. 

Green Tree is committed to creating products that are not only good for you, but also good for the planet. Every moment you burn the Masala incense stick becomes a step towards a more harmonious world.

Benefits of Natural Masala incense

Natural Masala Incense provides invaluable benefits for your spiritual and emotional well-being. They differ from synthetic incense in their purity and lack of chemical additives, consisting of natural resins, herbs and essential oils. This true composition allows the incense to smolder gently, releasing an aroma that promotes deep relaxation and emotional uplift. The 15 gram Masala Incense Sticks are carefully crafted to ensure a long burn, making them ideal for long meditation sessions or creating a peaceful atmosphere in your home. Choose Masala Incense for an authentic and rewarding aromatic experience rooted in ancient traditions and designed to support your spiritual journey.

Aromas of the Masala incense line

Our Masala Incense line offers a delightful variety of aromas, each of which creates a unique atmosphere and awakens specific emotions. These are beautifully packaged incense sticks in an attractive box to make it easy for customers to browse and select their favorite scents.  Packaged in sets of 12.

Incense for meditation and yoga

Natural masala incense from Green Tree creates a peaceful atmosphere that promotes you to tune in to your inner world, disconnect from external stimuli and immerse yourself in practice, enhancing spiritual experiences and deepening your meditative state.

For example, for deep meditative practice you can use Incense Mantra, to create a positive aura - Incense Happy Yoga, to recharge with vigor and energy - Surya Namaskar. Natural Masala incense scents for yoga and meditation are described below in more detail.

Choose the incense that suits your goals: meditation and yoga. 

Incense Spiritual Yoga

Immersing yourself in this aroma, you will feel sublime peace and connection with the higher spheres of existence. These incense awakens in the heart peace, harmony and a sense of sacred involvement in the great mystery of the Universe. 

Expertly handcrafted from the purest blend of natural herbs and sandalwood, Spiritual Yoga Premium Masala Sticks exude a sweet and warm aroma. Undoubtedly, this incense is one of the most beneficial for meditation, immersing you in deep relaxation and promoting deep concentration. 

Incense Mantra

Awaken higher energies while reading mantras and meditative practices. Divine combinations of herbs, resins and Indian spices (masalas) that open the door to higher consciousness. 

Enveloped in these aromas, you are immersed in a sea of ​​inner light and concentration. An atmosphere of holiness and spiritual purification is created, awakening in you a deep sense of peace and clarity.

Incense Happy Yoga

These, unlike Spiritual Yoga and Mantra incense, are designed to create a joyful and positive aura during your yoga practice. 

Envelop yourself in light vibes and energize your being with the vibrant citrus scent of Happy Yoga Incense, perfect for waking up in the morning. These magical aromas evoke joy, happiness and lightness of life. They infuse a space with light and positive energy, awakening a sense of vitality and vitality that promotes greater physical and emotional well-being during your sacred practices.

Incense Yoga Tree

Used in yoga for balancing and grounding. Ground yourself with the woody and fresh aroma of Yoga Tree incense, ideal for creating a strong connection to the earth during your practice. This incense scent stands out for its ability to bring a sense of rootedness and stability. Their ethereal waves help the soul to calm down and find harmony with the natural elements, creating an aura of inner balance and serene calm.

Incense Surya Namaskar

Specially designed for use during the “Salutations to the Sun” routine (Surya Namaskar). These incense are imbued with energy that awakens the spirit and body. Their mystical aromas raise vitality from the depths, imbuing you with an aura of vivacity and readiness for future achievements. They weave a veil of optimism and joy around you, raising your physical and mental vibrations to new heights.

Incense for purification and protection

Purification and protection with masala incense creates a clean, protected space.

White Sage Incense is used for powerful aura and space cleansing. Using Palo Santo incense will attract positive energies and protect you. 

Their use and purpose are more detailed here:

Incense Californian White Sage

Perfect for powerfully cleansing your space of negative energy and creating a protective barrier. With the fresh, herbal scent of white sage, it symbolizes purity and sacredness. When you use it, you'll feel refreshed and deeply cleansed, promoting inner peace and shielding you from external influences. Many people feel spiritually renewed and stronger after using it.

Incense Palo Santo

Great for harmonizing and attracting positive energies, and enhancing spiritual practices. Unlike sage, Palo Santo gives off a warm and calming vibe, helping you connect with the spiritual realms. Using it can stimulate deep self-awareness and a sense of unity with the cosmos, creating a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Incense Sacred Purification

This incense provides deep cleansing and energy recharging, boosting spiritual awareness and inner growth. Unlike the previous aromas, it creates a particularly sacred atmosphere, perfect for diving deeper into meditation and contemplation. It's specially designed to thoroughly cleanse spaces and enhance your spiritual practice.

Incense for Spiritual Connection and Healing

These incense are perfect for deepening your connection with higher powers, supporting meditation and spiritual practices, and creating a healing atmosphere. Each type has unique properties. For example, the 7 Chakras Incense contains aromas for each chakra, balancing and harmonizing them. The Kundalini Incense has stimulating and energizing aromas that boost energy and aid in working with the kundalini chakra. Here's a more detailed look at the Incense for Spiritual Connection and Healing, and how they enhance spiritual connection and healing:

Incense 7 Chakras

These incense are designed to harmonize and balance the chakras, restoring your connection to your spiritual self. People often experience deep inner peace, improved well-being, and increased clarity of thought when using them.

Incense Reiki Energy

Crafted to enhance energy and support the Reiki healing process, these incense feature soft and soothing aromas that deepen Reiki practice and enrich the energy field. They evoke feelings of warmth, tranquility, and energizing nourishment, promoting deep relaxation, stress relief, and self-healing stimulation.

Incense Angel Healing

Created to enhance connections with angelic energies and support spiritual healing, these incense feature delicate and light aromas that fill the space with love and the healing energy of angels. Users often experience feelings of comfort, hope, and restoration, as these incense help release fears and negative influences, creating a sense of protection and support.

Incense Chakra Angel

Mixes chakra activation with angelic energy support to boost harmony and spiritual growth. With scents that balance chakras and angelic aromas, they stir feelings of connection to higher powers, deep inspiration, and mystical love. These incense help unlock your soul's potential, finding inner peace and harmony with the world.

Kundalini Incense

This incense sparks inner awakening, strengthens connections with higher energies, and encourages deep transformative experiences. Using it expands consciousness and helps achieve elevated spiritual states. Designed to awaken and activate kundalini energy at the base of the spine, it features stimulating aromas that promote energy rise and circulation along the spine.

Incense for Positive Energy and Love

These incense set the mood for inner peace and harmony.

Scents like Angel Dust and Angel Love foster peace and inner balance, ideal for meditation enthusiasts.

For those drawn to nature and spiritual rituals, Call Of The Shaman and Moon Goddess feature earthy and mystical notes that enhance the experience.

Our company offers these fragrances in bulk, perfect for creating a unique atmosphere during meditation and rituals, making them a valuable addition for your customers.

Explore each fragrance in detail below:

Angel Dust

This gentle, angelic aroma boosts your mood and makes you feel lighter. Perfect for easing stress, it promotes peace and harmony, helps release negative emotions, and brings a sense of inner peace.

Angel Love

This inspiring aroma of love and compassion promotes harmony in relationships and self-acceptance. It helps strengthen your connection with yourself and others, creating an atmosphere of love and warmth. Angel Love is ideal for love rituals and meditations on self-acceptance, helps to cope with internal conflicts and reveal your emotional openness.

Call Of The Shaman

The earthy and mystical aroma of Call Of The Shaman supports spiritual practice and connection with nature. Perfect for meditations and rituals aimed at deep inner understanding and awareness, it promotes grounding and strengthens your connection with the earth. This incense uplifts the spirit and enhances spiritual strength.

Moon Goddess

The Moon Goddess incense features a feminine aroma with magical notes that boost strength and intuition. It supports harnessing feminine energy and inspires inner strength and wisdom. Ideal for women pursuing harmony and inner growth, it helps them recognize their uniqueness and strength in all life situations.

Incense for Wisdom and Mental Clarity

These incense enhance focus and support spiritual practice, aiding in achieving deep understanding and clarity of mind. They are ideal for meditation, rituals, and daily spiritual practice.

Vajrayana Buddhist Tantra

This profound and spiritual aroma is commonly used in Buddhist practices to deepen meditation and attain wisdom. It fosters inner peace, enhances focus, and aids in understanding deep spiritual teachings.

Divine Eye

This aroma inspires intuition and enhances clarity of perception. It opens the “third eye”, deepening spiritual practices, and also aids in relieving stress and tension.

Mother Earth

An earthy scent that grounds you and strengthens your connection to nature. It promotes clear thinking, calms the mind, and fosters a sense of unity with the world around you.

Chi Force

An energetic aroma that enhances vitality and aids concentration. It helps increase energy and strengthen inner focus.

Angel Series Incense

Heaven is very organized; all celestial beings have a specific job to do. Each of these magnificent beings works for the sake of the many existing Rays of God. Each angel has his own specialty and is dedicated to it; we can call upon them according to the service that each angel offers.
With our Angel Incense, you can invoke the protective, healing, and loving energy of angels in your home. These 100% natural incense sticks are perfect for meditation, prayer, and spiritual rituals, bringing angelic blessings into your life.
Take a closer look at these fragrances to expand your selection and provide your customers with something specific and inspiring from Green Tree:

7 Angels

The 7 archangels are also called the 7 eyes and ears of God: Michael, Gabriel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel. With this incense you create an inviting aura for them and ask for divine protection. The aroma is heavenly and sweet-fresh. Enjoy the pure, natural scents of Green Tree's incense. 

This aroma symbolizes strength and support from the seven archangels, to promote a protective field and attract peace and harmony.

Angel Protection

Designed to ward off negative energies and create a safe space. The aroma gives you a sense of security and confidence.
Surround yourself with a shield of angelic protection, perfect for creating a safe and sacred space.

Angel Guide

This aroma promotes you to find your path and direction under the guidance of guardian angels. It boosts intuition and aids in making important decisions.

Invite angelic guidance into your life with this gentle, calming incense, ideal for meditation and prayer. Ideal for meditation and calming a restless mind.

Angel Of Cleansing

"Archangel of Purification" (Michael) is a divine being who symbolizes energetic purification. The angel of purification helps to get rid of negative energies and cleanses the body, soul and mind. This aroma promotes cleansing and renewal. Purify your space and mind with Angel Of Cleansing incense.

Angel Of Light

These Angel of Light Incense Sticks from Green Tree feature a fresh, cool aroma. Using it to attract light and positive changes in life. This incense lifts your spirits and promotes spiritual well-being. 

Use for meditation and invigorating of the soul.

Angel Of Love

“Archangel of Love” (Chamuel) - his main sphere is love and feelings. He makes sure that the fire of joy and love of life does not go out in the heart. Angel Of Love incense is used when they dream of meeting their soulmate, finding a mutual feeling of love, to find a soul mate, when they want to open the heart chakra - Anahata, to learn to love themselves and other people. 

Fill your home with the loving energy of the angels with this soulful incense.

Angel of Power

“Archangel of Power” (Gabriel) - his name means “God is my strength.” Its main area is protection from harm. He is the main defender of humanity from vices and passions. He is a messenger of joy and salvation, often bringing good news to people.
These Angel of Power Incense Sticks from Green Tree feature a calming, floral and vanilla scent that is perfect for meditation and soothing a busy mind.
Empower yourself with the strength and courage of angels using Angel of Power incense.

This scent enhances personal strength and inner confidence. It helps you overcome obstacles and achieve goals.

Guardian Angel

Use it when you make prayers and requests to your Guardian Angel. Whenever you pray to a saint, it is recommended to burn incense to purify the air and bring you closer to the saint you are praying to.
Invoke the protective presence of your guardian angel with this soothing and comforting incense.


No matter what life brings, you can turn to the Archangels for guidance, healing and help. Angel Series Incense will help with this.

With Green Tree, you can be confident in the quality and naturalness of the products, and in the fact that you are supporting an environmentally responsible brand.

By purchasing from us, you receive a number of significant advantages, such as selling goods directly from us as a manufacturer; flexible discount systems and individual approach to each client.